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A4 Webinar - June 8 2023


Accounting for Mobility in Alternatives Assessments Insights
from the ZeroPM Project

This webinar was recorded on
June 8, 2023 

View Slides (pdf), Watch on YouTube

Chemicals that pose the greatest threat to aquatic environments and drinking water sources are those that are persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) and very persistent very mobile (vPvM) substances. The ZeroPM project – Zero Pollution of Persistent, Mobile (PM) substances – is a multi-year research effort funded through the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. The project aims to guide policy, technological and market incentives to minimize use, emissions and pollution of entire groups of PM substances.

In this A4 webinar, we will hear from the ZeroPM project and its work to advance the accounting of substance mobility attributes in alternatives assessment processes. Presenters will provide an overview of the ZeroPM project; the persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) and very persistent, very mobile (vPvM) hazard criteria that have been recently adopted by the European Commission as part of the revision to the Classification Labeling and Packaging (CLP) regulation; the utility of essential use and substance grouping concepts as it relates to PM substances and considerations for alternatives assessments, using chemicals used as flame retardants and cosmetics as a case study; and looking forward the use of “big data” approaches to identify functional alternatives for prioritized PM substances.


Hans Peter Arp


Project Coordinator at ZeroPM

Professor at Norwegian Geotechnical Institute and Norwegian University of Science and Technology






Professor at
Stockholm University


Professor at
Chalmers University of Technology


PhD Student at
Stockholm University