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A4 Webinar - May 20, 2020

A4 Quarterly Webinar Series:
How to Get to Safer Alternatives Using Non-Animal Testing Methods: PART II


Occurred on: Wednesday, May 20, 2020

View Slides (pdf), Watch on YouTube


The Association for the Advancement of Alternative Assessment’s (A4) winter 2020 webinar introduced New Approach Methods (NAMs) to our A4 community. Given significant interest in continuing the discussion on NAMs, our spring 2020 webinar will dive deeper into the application of these predictive toxicology tools in alternatives assessments. A4 will facilitate a discussion-focused webinar to address topics that emerged from the A4 community, including:

  • how to think about NAMs in an alternatives assessment context versus a regulatory safety assessment;
  • how NAMs are being used in alternatives assessment in combination with animal test data;
  • how to utilize NAMs in a consistent manner; among others.

We ask all participants to bring your expertise, reflections and questions and engage with experts from our winter webinar. The format of this webinar is light on presentation and heavy on discussion, so join us as we explore this important topic for the evaluation and identification of safer chemicals. 

For those of you who are new to the topic of NAMs, we encourage you to watch the winter 2020 A4 webinar prior to joining this discussion. 

Experts Joining the Discussion:

Amy Clippinger
Director at PETA International Science Consortium, Ltd.
Pamela Spencer
Vice President of Regulatory, Product Stewardship and Quality at ANGUS Chemical
Margaret Whittaker
Managing Director/Chief Toxicologist at ToxServices