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A4 Webinar - January 29, 2020

A4 Quarterly Webinar Series: How to Get to Safer Alternatives
Using Non-Animal Testing Methods

Occurred on: Wednesday, January 29, 2020

View Slides (pdf), Watch on YouTube

Experts who conduct alternatives assessment often face the serious challenge of how to adequately characterize a hazard when critical toxicity data are missing for a specific chemical. To solve this problem, interest is growing around the application of new approach methods (NAMs), utilizing non-animal tests as an effective means to fill these data gaps. Over the last decade, significant investments have been made in the development of NAMs. However, are these methods ready for use in alternative assessments? Are there alternative test methods that can be reliably used to fill certain hazard data gaps in both informed substitution and product development contexts? If so, for what endpoints? What are some of the current strategies being used to incorporate NAMs into chemical hazard assessments? The Association for the Advancement of Alternatives Assessment’s (A4) winter 2020 webinar, How to Get to Safer Alternatives Using Non-Animal Testing Methods will explore these questions and more. Please join us.

Featured Speakers:

Amy Clippinger
Director at PETA International Science Consortium, Ltd.

Pamela Spencer
Vice President of Regulatory, Product Stewardship and Quality at ANGUS Chemical

Featured Respondents: 

Lauren Heine

Director of Safer Materials & Data Integrity at ChemFORWARD

Shari Franjevic

GreenScreen® Program Manager at Clean Production Action


EPA’s New Approach Methodologies web page  

US Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods: A Strategic Roadmap for Establishing New Approaches to Evaluate the Safety of Chemicals and Medical Products in the United States

Malloy et al.  Advancing Alternatives Analysis: The Role of Predictive Toxicology in selecting safer chemical products and processes. Integr Environ Assess Manag. 2017 Sep;13(5):915-925.

Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management Journal's podcast on the Malloy et al. article

Alternative Methods Accepted by US Agencies by National Toxicology Program; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Alternative Methods Validated For Regulatory Use by PETA INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE CONSORTIUM LTD.